Wellbeing & Support
Student Wellbeing & Learning Support
Chanel College has a strong commitment to supporting students both academically and pastorally. We work with caregivers, whānau and students to understand where support may be needed, and follow an equitable approach to providing support.
Student Wellbeing
We have a dedicated member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) who is responsible for pastoral care, and oversees a team that consists of a Health Improvement Practitioner, School Nurse and School Counsellor. The team is supported by local health providers Te Hauora and Whanau Ora.
The Student Wellbeing team works to ensure the health and wellbeing of students is being met, based on the Hauora philosophy, which includes Physical Wellbeing, Mental and Emotional Wellbeing, Social Wellbeing, and Spiritual Wellbeing.
The role of the Student Wellbeing team is not only to provide immediate support to those who require it but also to teach students strategies for managing their own health and wellbeing.
Students are also paired with an Atawhai teacher who they stay with through their entire school journey. This provides a single point of support for both the learner and family who can provide guidance both at school and for their future. Generally each Atawhai teacher has 10-12 students in this model.
Learning Support
Our Special Education Coordinator (SENCO) oversees a team of teacher aides and learning assistants and works closely with both caregivers/whānau to ensure that any needs are well known.
We pride ourselves on our transition systems for students who are joining the College and take the time to understand each student’s needs, arrange support both internally and externally from RTLB Teachers, and ensure that all needs are well known and understood by teachers to plan lessons appropriately.
All students have a Head of House who oversees each student in the house group and their personal academic tracking to provide support through any challenges.