Principal's Message
Principal's Welcome
Kia Ora koutou,
It is my absolute pleasure and privilege to serve the Chanel College community as Tumuaki (Principal) and ensure we fulfill our mission of nurturing the growth and development of all rangatahi (young people) to become lifelong learners able to go into the world as disciples of Christ.
As the only Catholic secondary school in the Wairarapa, we are an integral part of our parish community. Proud of our Catholic faith and traditions, we promote and live by a core set of gospel values that are embedded in all we do.
Small enough to know each and every student by name yet big enough to ensure opportunities are vast and varied, we are committed to providing an education that is engaging, student centered and prepares our ākonga (learners) for the future, no matter which direction it may take them in.
A positive home school relationship where your aspirations for your child guide us, ensures that no child is left behind at Chanel College.
Our vision is to grow confident, connected, future ready, Catholic citizens. Through their learning and faith experiences at Chanel College, ākonga will walk through the world as disciples of Christ, showing the love, mercy and grace of Jesus to all they encounter.
Myra Coley
Tumuaki (Principal)