Our Community

Our Community

Chanel College is proud to have close ties with a large portion of the Wairarapa community through our parish, our Catholic primary schools and groups affiliated with the school. This connection allows us to offer our students a vast array of opportunities. 

Catholic Primary Schools

The Wairarapa is home to three Catholic primary schools:

We welcome students from these and all other primary schools in the Wairarapa. 

Chanel College PTFA

Become a member of the Chanel College PTFA.

The Chanel College Parents, Teachers and Friends Association is an integral part of the Chanel College community. The fundraising work they coordinate throughout the year offers you the opportunity to make a real contribution to the improvement of our school.

The PTFA annually contributes to projects that help us upgrade facilities, improve our environment and provide students with the best possible opportunities. Recently the Chanel College PTFA provided the school with a brand new van, as a result of successful fundraising.