
Cultural Opportunities

Chanel College is proud of our culturally diverse community. We recognise and prioritise celebrating them through Language and Appreciation weeks, and encourage students to take part in a range of cultural opportunities from Kapa Haka to Poly Group, and any other cultural performances of interest to our community. 


Kapa Haka

Chanel College’s Kapa Haka (Māori Performing Arts Group) is known as Te Roopū o Hinerangi, which literally means ‘The group of Hinerangi’. Hinerangi is the name of our school’s Wharenui (meeting house), named in honour of a revered and important ancestor, Hinerangi.

The students who elect to join this group learn so much more than singing or learning action songs and haka. They learn about Wairarapatanga (this region’s history through the lens of Tangata Whenua; and through their involvement, they actively assist in revitalising and retaining te Reo Māori, Tikanga and cultural practices. 

Chanel College is proud and committed to promoting Kapa Haka and its teachings, which align with Iwi aspirations and provides high-quality support programmes for our students. Any Chanel College student can join Te Roopū o Hinerangi, and we welcome them all. We believe that ‘learning should be fun and that culture is a gift from God. Nō reira, ma Hehu Karaiti tātou katoa e manaaki, e tiaki.