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Chanel College offers seamless co-ed education from Years 7 – 13 in the Wairarapa. Our Catholic character and unique community spirit, ensure all our ākonga reach their personal success.

Our unique approach to curriculum and small class sizes allow our rangatahi to develop personal learning plans that allow them to reach their personal goals.

Our People

We show generosity, hospitality, care and support for one another and are example of Christ's love to all.​

Our Place

We demonstrate a commitment to positive relationships that build a sense of belonging, community and family spirit, merciful and gracious in our actions and interactions.​

Our Learning

We are stewards of Te Ao, caring for the gifts God has given us including the environment, resources and our talents.

Our College

Chanel College offers seamless co-ed education from Years 7 – 13 in the Wairarapa. Our Catholic character and unique community spirit, ensure all our ākonga reach their personal success.

Our unique approach to curriculum and small class sizes allow our rangatahi to develop personal learning plans that allow them to reach their personal goals.